ACOWIN is a state of the art software package designed to manage all aspects of a Service and Project Management company. With its seamless integration with QuickBooks® as well as interfacing with other popular accounting packages, and its ease of use, ACOWIN offers the best tool for running a successful operation.

Customer Site Info
Gathering and using Customer Information is vital to the success of your business. With ACOWIN, the customer information is entered one time and flows throughout the whole system, eliminating the need for double and triple entry. Whether the customer has one site or hundreds, complete history and profitability will be tracked for each individual site. When an invoice is created, ACOWIN uses a rate schedule already defined in the Customer File to calculate the labor and material prices as well as the tax that should be charged. This simple feature helps to eliminate mistakes in billing and can increase cash flow by getting invoices out the door in a timely fashion. If you are using Flat Rate Billing, this information will be used to compare what you would have charged for the Time and Material versus what you did charge with Flat Rate.

Equipment Tracking
ACOWIN makes tracking equipment and warranties a breeze. Each site can have unlimited pieces of equipment and each piece of equipment can be broken down into its components. Imagine being able to track warranties for both major units and sub-systems, with equal ease and accuracy! In addition, ACOWIN also tracks history down to the individual piece of equipment allowing you to pinpoint problem areas that need to be addressed or replaced.

Service Agreements
Service agreements can be a very profitable part of your business. With ACOWIN, managing your service agreements has just gotten easier. Each site can have an unlimited number of service agreements. The system will automatically generate invoices and inspection slips with detailed instructions at predefined intervals. When inspection slips are created, the call will automatically be assigned to the dispatch board. ACOWIN’s Contract Profitability tools will let you know where you stand with your service agreements at any time, giving you the information you need to renew agreements, adjust pricing and manage your service agreement department effectively.

Scheduling / Dispatch
If you can play Solitaire, you should have no problems using the ACOWIN Scheduling/Dispatch Board! Simply click on a “card” and drag it to a technician to schedule a call. With the use of colors and symbols, you can tell exactly where a call stands in the dispatching process. Dispatchers can set up multiple boards and customize their display with a simple click of the mouse, choosing which techs they want to see and can even rearrange them on the fly to meet unexpected challenges. A full monthly calendar display gives you an easy way to work with an extended schedule, and can be zoomed in to show individual technicians and their hourly activities. A simple click on the monthly calendar will schedule your call to a specific technician on the desired date at the desired time. New service calls can be added directly from the Scheduling/Dispatch board and can be paged to the technician by simply clicking the mouse. You can even adjust the size of the board to see more technicians with another simple click of the mouse

Call Slip Invoicing
Invoicing service calls has never been easier than with ACOWIN’s unique “Build an Invoice” concept. With “Build an Invoice” the information entered from dispatching and material usage is automatically carried through to the invoice, and priced using a rate schedule assigned to the customer’s site. This not only saves valuable data entry time, but it also ensures that the invoice is created for the correct amount and that all charges are applied against it. In addition to the invoice being created, Inventory, Service History, Equipment History and Profitability are all updated as a result. If you are using Flat Rate, simply enter the repair code(s) used and the sell prices will be updated automatically (ACOWIN integrates with most Popular Flat Rate Services). What better way to improve cash flow than to produce accurate invoices in a timely manner?

When it comes to tracking inventory — whether in the main warehouse, a truck, or a warehouse across town – ACOWIN has it covered. Inventory is automatically relieved from various warehouses or trucks during the invoicing process and the trucks can be automatically restocked based on optimum quantities. You can even transfer individual items or the entire stock between warehouses or trucks with a few simple clicks of the mouse, making inventory control a snap.

Purchase Orders
Controlling your costs is the key to being a profitable company. With the ACOWIN purchase order system, all material and equipment purchased is directly posted to the correct work order, job, warehouse or truck. The risk of purchasing items but forgetting to bill them to a customer, or track them to a warehouse, will be eliminated when using the ACOWIN Purchase Order system.
In fact, ACOWIN goes far beyond the traditional limitations of a purchasing system, by allowing you the option to order items from several different vendors on the same Purchase Order. The parts can then be distributed among several different service invoices, jobs, warehouses, or trucks. This unique feature would allow you to have just one open purchase order for an entire job, if you desire, and makes it easy to order extra items for stock at the same time, maximizing your discount from vendors. Both standard inventory items and unique, special-order parts can be included on the same order. Of course, you can continue to generate Purchase Orders to a single vendor in the traditional manner if you prefer.

Management Reports
ACOWIN includes a generous assortment of management reports, tailored to analyze invoices, service calls, customer data, equipment information, service contracts and more. Over a hundred different reports are available, each neatly summarized on the master report screen, to help users quickly locate the correct report for their needs. Each report is prepared using a unique intelligent reporting assistant, which summarizes the results of a user’s requests and report criteria in plain English. This will help users prepare complex reports with multiple sort and selection conditions easily. Reports can be pre-viewed on screen, printed to a printer, or saved as Adobe Acrobat PDF files for easy transmission via e-mail.

Service History
ACOWIN puts comprehensive, easy-to-read service history at your fingertips. The History display is easily accessed from throughout the system and presents a summary of each prior service call, including call slip number, lead technician, material usage, invoice amount, work date, and a description of services performed or repair actions taken. The click of a button takes you from the Summarized History screen to a detailed work order in its entirety, where every aspect of the service call can be reviewed in detail – such as equipment serviced, technician(s) dates & times dispatched, material(s) used, reprinting of invoice, and detailed labor, material and miscellaneous sales profitability information.

Project Management
The ACOWIN Project Management system makes it easy to track costs, income and profitability for projects of any size. Extensive information for every job is maintained, including detailed lists of materials and labor required for each task of the project. Profitability is computed for both the base contract and any number of Extras or Change Orders. Multiple billing methods are available and Purchase Orders for necessary items are generated automatically. From large multi-stage projects that require months of labor and multiple billings, to small on and two day retrofit jobs, ACOWIN Project Management is up to the task!

Mobile Computing
Team Management Systems’ Mobile Work Order not only looks like a standard paper work order, but also works like one. The technician simply enters dispatch times, material used, equipment serviced, and what was done to resolve the problem on one easy to navigate screen. The sell prices are automatically calculated based on the customer’s billing rates and a professional looking invoice is generated for the customer to sign right on the screen. A copy of the signed invoice can be printed for the customer and all of the information, including a copy of the signed document, is automatically uploaded back to the office, eliminating the need for manual entry or filing a copy of the document. In addition to T/M billing, the Mobile Work Order also handles Flat Rate and As Agreed invoices as well as printed work orders for invoices that will be sent from the office

Quick Quotes
The Acowin Quick Quote system gives you a powerful, easy-to-use tool for estimating simple projects in advance. After selecting the work Site and billing Customer, you can estimate the hours of labor that will be needed, along with a detailed list of the materials required. The system can mark up these labor and material costs, using one of your Rate Types, and produce a Time and Material price for the job. Alternately, you can enter a quoted price, or even use Flat Rate billing codes. The ability to merge Quick Quote data with Microsoft Word master documents gives you a fantastic tool for producing sharp proposal letters. A full Diary, and the ability to attach important files from external applications, are also included. When the project is sold to your customer, a Call Slip will be created automatically, to handle the work and billing. Detailed reports for tracking Quick Quote sales and profitability are provided.
See how ACOWIN can benefit you and your company.